Oil paintings

Now I’ve been working for a year, what have I gotten done on oil paint? Not as much as I had hoped, but still, something I have learned: The importance of texture. The totality of the picture. That I have passion for what I paint. And not to be afraid of trying something new.

Under, three images I am working on. Will update as I work.

This will be a painting titled: Daphne. The myth: Daphne was a beautiful nymph, but she spurned all love from men. Apollo wanted her, and chased her, but she asked to become a tree to escape him. I tried to paint the clouds as an expression of anger and regret in Apollo, the sun-god. I am working on the leaves now.

 31 X 34 cm

This is not finished, work title: Tiger. I am debating with myself if I shall take inspiration from Outsider Art, where they often use letters in the picture. So I think I´ll try to write them on the cliff only, something like: Where are my  living space? Jungles/woods/forests/deserts/waterways no where to go. And a little more clouds in front of him.

 Another riot picture, titled: No!

I want to have lots of smoke in this, colored by the fires. Smoke is not very easy to paint right. I am trying to understand why people can be so destruktive. It is the painting I have done least work on. The war and fighting you read about in the news makes me feel sad and anxious when painting it.