77-79 S.H.K.S paint line 79-83 National Academy of Fine Arts painter
2013 Master in Art Criticism and Cultural Dissemination, NTNU
Statens kunstutstilling (Autumn exhibition in Oslo) 4 years 82 to 85. 86- Solo exhibition at the University Museum of Trondheim 93- Solo exhibition Heimdal Kunstforening 93- Heimdalsutstillingen 98- Participated in art exhibition in Kunstnernes hus “Fellessentralen art production in Norway in the 90s.” with the Knights of Dor comic book album. 2005-Participated in exhibition at Grafill Galleri in Oslo “Norwegian masters of the ninth art form”.
2022-Participated in December exhibition, Trondheim Kunstforening, painting 2023-Participated in December exhibition Trondheim Kunstforening, painting